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Widespread use of international launch vehicles

This provision is unnecessary because DOD has already implemented a policy allowing the services to pay travelers’ actual expenses up to the full per diem rate when the reduced flat rate for meals and incidental expenses is insufficient for the assignment.Performance of Incurred Cost Audits: The Administration objects to multiple provisions in section 802. Vulnerable populations, including medically-retired members and their families, and survivors of those who died on active duty, also would be the first to pay increased costs under the new system. The Administration would support broad authorization of research and development on missile systems, including those prohibited by the treaty, to determine candidate systems that could become programs of record.The accelerated timeline would require DOD to field an unproven defensive system without full knowledge of its combat effectiveness or the unintended consequences of operating a high-powered radar and weapon system in a populated area surrounding Deveselu, Romania. This provision unhelpfully ties the Administration to a specific missile system, which would limit potential military response options. The Administration strongly urges Congress to adopt the Administration’s request, which would, among other things, extend the authority through December 31, 2023, and address specified needs in both Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (the CNMI). For satellite communications services, three-quarters of services acquired today are from foreign-incorporated companies that make widespread use of international launch vehicles. The MOX project is unaffordable and risky, with $12 billion in remaining construction costs, based on the most recent estimate prepared in collaboration with the Army Corps of Engineers and the Department of Energy. The Air Force currently has 52 C-5Ms within its total strategic aircraft inventory.R.TRICARE Reform: The Administration is disappointed that the Committee did not include the Administration’s proposals to strengthen and improve the TRICARE benefit. The President’s FY 2018 Budget request provides the funding necessary to ensure servicemembers continue to receive an appropriate package of pay and benefits. The Department estimates that a new BRAC round in 2021 would save it an additional $2 billion annually—resources it could apply to higher priorities such as readiness and modernization.Extension and Modification of Authority to Support Operations and Activities of the Office of Security Cooperation in Iraq: The Administration appreciates the continuation of existing authority, but is disappointed by the lack of authority in section 1223 to expand the list of eligible recipients to include the “military and other security forces of or associated with the Government of Iraq with a national security mission.Extension and Modification of Authority to Provide Assistance to Counter the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria: The Administration appreciates the increased funding authority included in section 1222, but notes its concern that the provision does not contain additional requested authority for small-scale construction of temporary facilities that are necessary to meet operational needs and force protection requirements in both Iraq and Syria. In addition, if a second source for these materials is required, it would trigger requalification on not only the rocket motor, but also the entire missile. This provision would risk exposure, and potentially restrict use, of cyber capabilities; jeopardize foreign partnership cooperation; and impose additional, unwarranted administrative requirements on DOD. DOD already regularly briefs the House and Senate Committees on Armed Services on major cyber operations.Unobligated Balances Reductions: The Administration objects to the $1. Thornberry, R-TX, and Rep. As the campaign to defeat ISIS transitions beyond the liberation of Mosul and Raqqa, operational commanders will need the requested authority to build temporary intermediate staging facilities, ammunition supply points, and tactical assembly areas that have adequate force protection. This could be a factor in meeting the commitment of the United States to return land to Japan. In many cases, the quantities of systems, subsystems, or components or materials acquired by DOD are not sufficient to support multiple suppliers.Incremental Funding for National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency’s (NGA) New Campus West (N2W): The Administration appreciates the support for NGA’s N2W facility, but objects to the proposed incremental funding approach.Establishment of Space Corps in the Department of the Air Force: The Administration appreciates the Committee’s concerns with the organization and management of DOD’s space capabilities as reflected in section 1601, which calls for the establishment of a separate Space Corps within the Department of the Air Force.Industrial Base for Large Solid Rocket Motors and Related Technologies: The Administration strongly objects to section 1699, which would require the Secretary of Defense to pursue multiple sources for the various components of modern solid rocket missile systems. It is also evaluating those military capabilities that are needed to protect our national security. The provision limits domestic competition, which will increase taxpayer costs by several billions of dollars through FY 2027 and stifle innovation.Reinstatement of Requirement to Preserve Certain C-5 Aircraft: The Administration strongly objects to section 143, which would require the Air Force to maintain at least 25 C-5A Avionics Modernization Program (AMP)-modified aircraft in flyable storage. They would prevent the Army from developing LTAMDS integrally as part of its phased modernization approach for integrated air and missile defense based on Army and Joint Staff validated requirements. The Administration is in the midst of conducting several strategic reviews that affect multiple provisions in this bill, such as those addressing space organization and management and naval ship force structure. As the Secretary of Defense has testified, the Administration recognizes the criticality of our access to and use of space, and we understand the increasing threats posed to our continued use of space capabilities. Congressional approval is required for the United States to enter into the CRA and modify the CRA’s funding schedule as necessary for the United States to meet its international commitments.5 billion above the President’s FY 2018 Budget request for base national defense spending, as well as an additional $10 billion in Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) funding. In addition, the Administration encourages Congress to consider whether the information required by section 528 is already provided in annual Family Advocacy Program reports.Clarification of Roles of Commanders of Military Medical Treatment Facilities (MTFs) and Surgeons General: Section 711 would designate each MTF commander as the individual responsible for the operation of the MTF they supervise. Funding these enduring requirements in OCO would complicate the funding stability for associated outyear costs and runs contrary to the purpose of OCO. This provision would make the Administration’s strategy impossible to execute, causing delays in transitioning from Russian engines and increased risks to continued assured access to space. The Administration strongly encourages members of Congress to support its basic pay raise, TRICARE modernization, and pharmacy co-pay proposals, which would save $600 million in FY 2018 and $7. Without additional H-2B workers, limited access to construction workers would harm our ability to relocate Marines to Guam on planned timelines. Failure to approve the CRA could imperil ongoing national security initiatives with the Republic of Palau and destabilize United States access and influence in a region that is increasingly contested by China. The diplomatic requirements to coordinate these issues with other nations are significant, even after proving the system and understanding the consequences of the system on local populations. The authorized level in the bill could lead to higher total project costs, delay the delivery of the campus, and negatively impact other mission-critical priorities.The Administration looks forward to working with Congress to address its concerns, a number of which are outlined in more detail below. It also would prohibit entering into a contract for satellite services with any entity if such services will be provided using satellites launched from, or designed or manufactured in, a covered foreign country or by an entity controlled by the government of a covered foreign country, regardless of the location of the launch. By aiding the development of the GoI’s most critical missions—counterterrorism, border security, and the protection of critical infrastructure—the expanded authority proposed by the Administration would help Iraqis prevent the emergence of a successor to ISIS, safeguard their nation’s hard-fought gains, and guide their recovery from combat operations toward a more secure and stable nation. This would be cost prohibitive to DOD, totaling nearly $1 billion. To ensure that our military is not rebuilt on the backs of future generations of Americans, however, the Administration strongly supports reductions to spending elsewhere in the Federal budget, as outlined in the President’s FY 2018 Budget request.The bill authorizes $18.Open Discovery Rule: The Administration shares Congress’ goal of preventing sexual assault in the military and holding accountable those who commit the offense. Smith, D-WA)The Administration appreciates the House Armed Services Committee’s (Committee) continued work on behalf of our national defense and supports a number of provisions in H.Prohibition on Conducting Additional Base Realignment and Closure Round: The Administration strongly objects to section 2702 and strongly urges Congress to provide BRAC authorization as requested so that DOD can ensure it is not wasting scarce resources on unneeded infrastructure.. Administering this section would require an additional set of rates for members in privatized housing, necessitating challenging and costly modifications to military pay systems. It also ignores key recommendations of the Committee’s independent panel of experts, who proposed broad funding at the launch-system level.Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV) Modernization and Sustainment of Assured Access to Space: The Administration strongly objects to section 1615, which would restrict development of new space launch systems, including those whose development is significantly funded by industry, in exclusive favor of rocket engines and modifications to existing launch vehicles.Mixed Oxide (MOX) Fuel Fabrication Facility: The Administration strongly objects to section 3119 directing construction of the Mixed Oxide (MOX) Fuel Fabrication Facility.Palau: The Administration appreciates the Committee’s efforts in section 1265 to fund the 2010 United States-Palau Compact Review Agreement (CRA), but is disappointed that the Committee did not include the provision requested provision that would approve the 2010 CRA. Mandating the acceptance of the claimed costs in their entirety if audit findings are not issued within one year of proposal receipt, restricting the use of multi-year audits, mandating that an arbitrary 25 percent of incurred costs be audited by qualified private auditors in lieu of a data-driven process, and mandating materiality thresholds will result in significant inefficiencies in the DOD audit process and result in significant unallowable costs being paid to contractors. The creation of a separate Space Corps, however, is premature at this time. 12V 500W DC Motor For Sale Upon completion of these analyses, the Administration looks forward to working with Congress to implement military space organizational changes (while considering the budget implications) in a practical timeframe to best posture the Nation’s joint forces to meet the challenges of the 21st Century. The large solid rocket motor industrial base has many single sources for components and materials. 2810, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2018.While the bill contains many promising reforms, it fails to authorize a new Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) round, which would result in substantial recurring savings and allow DOD to align infrastructure with force structure. The bill also proposes using OCO to fund additional end strength, ships, and homeland defense. The requirements and timelines in this provision are not feasible. Section 1245(d) would also raise concerns among NATO allies and could deprive the Administration of the flexibility to make judgments about the timing and nature of invoking our legal remedies under the treaty.Foreign Commercial Satellite Services: Cybersecurity Threats and Launches: The Administration strongly objects to section 1612, which would limit the Department’s ability to procure satellite services from foreign entities. Further, the materiality thresholds are significantly more prescriptive and detailed than defined in commercial or Government audit standards and are not risk-based. In addition, the Administration strongly objects to section 1685, which would mandate a flight test of the SM-3 Block IIA missile against an ICBM class threat within 270 days of enactment.The Administration looks forward to working with the Congress to address these and other concerns as this legislation advances. This is neither fair nor equitable since the opportunity to live in privatized housing on post is not always available. Similarly, the Administration objects to section 604, which would prevent the Secretaries of the military departments from implementing a reduced per diem for uniformed servicemembers and civilian employees who travel to one location for more than 30 days.Issues for Relocation of Marines to Guam: The Administration appreciates the inclusion of section 1062, which would authorize the admission before October 1, 2020, of H-2B workers coming to Guam to perform certain military-related work or as health care workers under modified admission requirements. Dilute and dispose is a proven approach with significantly less risk and expense, and it can be implemented decades sooner than the MOX approach. Once these reviews are complete, the Administration will be prepared to suggest modifications to these provisions. Opening this property to commercial use also would pose security concerns to nearby berthed Navy vessels, including the Department of the Navy losing control of whether the commercial entity can perform work on foreign vessels. The Administration is concerned that this section would establish a potentially confusing organizational paradigm, as the Defense Health Agency (DHA) is also responsible for the management and administration of MTFs.Constitutional Concerns: Certain provisions in this bill raise constitutional concerns.Notification Requirements for Sensitive Military Cyber Operations and Cyber Weapons: The Administration objects to section 1651, which would require the Secretary of Defense to notify the congressional defense committees within 48 hours about the conduct of sensitive military cyber operations and the results of any legal review by a military department of a cyber capability that is intended to be used as a weapon. As directed by the FY 2017 NDAA, the Administration is assessing a wide range of organizational options, including a Space Corps. If adopted, this section would add $56 million or more annually to DOD’s travel costs. It authorizes funding for our ongoing efforts to destroy the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), to deter potential adversaries, and to bolster our allies.3 billion reduction for unobligated balances across multiple appropriations.Modernization of Army Lower Tier Air and Missile Defense Sensor (LTAMDS): The Administration objects to section 1683, which would direct the Secretary of the Army to issue an acquisition strategy no later than April 15, 2018, for a 360-degree lower tier air and missile defense sensor that achieves initial operational capability by January 1, 2022, and completes fielding to all Army units by January 1, 2026. The Administration, however, must balance this requirement against other investments critical to readiness, equipment, and modernization to ensure the military is the most capable warfighting force in the world. The Administration also looks forward to reviewing the classified annex and working with Congress to address any concerns about classified programs. Section 1232 would interfere with the President’s exclusive authority to recognize foreign nations, and section 921(b) would contravene the Appointments Clause by authorizing incumbent officials to serve in new offices without further appointments. The Administration supports the Committee’s recommendation to authorize funds for the Savannah River Site’s (SRS) dilute and dispose capability to remove from South Carolina, and dispose of, surplus plutonium stored at SRS. Cancellation of the project at this late date, after significant resources have already been expended, would further put the United States in breach of contract, thus incurring cancellation fees.Misuse of Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) Funds: The Administration is concerned by the use of OCO funds for items not related to contingency operations, including an additional $558 million for Israel missile defense funding.Limitation on Expenditure of Funds for Emergency and Extraordinary Expenses for Intelligence and Counterintelligence Activities and Representation Allowances: While the Administration understands the Committee’s concern with the use of these funds and will thoroughly examine this practice, the Administration objects to section 1031, which would prohibit using Emergency and Extraordinary Expenses authority for recurring expenses and lower the congressional notification threshold for intelligence and counterintelligence activities. As a sovereign and freely associated state in the western Pacific, the Republic of Palau carries significant foreign policy and national security significance for the United States.6 billion, not including aircrew and maintenance training costs, and would take an estimated nine years to complete. In addition, the Administration is concerned that the Committee did not include reasonable pharmacy co-pays. The Administration’s innovative, agile approach has already saved taxpayers $300 million and is the quickest path to delivering modern, domestic, cost-effective launch capabilities that will support national security requirements for decades to come. 2810 – National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018 (Rep.1 billion through FY 2022.July 11, 2017(House Rules)STATEMENT OF ADMINISTRATION POLICY H. The previous Administration enacted harmful cuts to defense spending, and this Administration strongly supports eliminating them. Requiring the maintenance of an additional 25 C-5As in flyable condition would eliminate the relief provided in the FY 2017 NDAA from the FY 2013 NDAA requirement to keep retired C-5As in flyable storage. The Administration believes strongly that the President’s FY 2018 Military Health System benefit reform package represents a reasonable and financially sound proposal for our beneficiaries. The Administration is currently developing an integrated diplomatic, military, and economic response strategy that maximizes pressure on Russia. The Administration appreciates the flexibility provided to the Secretary of Energy to waive that requirement and terminate the MOX project.Limitation on Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) Modification Authority for Members of the Uniformed Services Residing in Military Housing Privatization Initiative (MHPI) Housing: The Administration objects to section 602, which would temporarily prohibit the Secretary of Defense from further reducing BAH below the current level for servicemembers residing in MHPI housing until 2019. The current system creates confusion and increases administrative costs because it provides separate benefits for members and retirees based on their dates of initial entry into military service.R. The Secretary of Defense should be allowed to determine the most effective management structure for the Military Health System.Limitation on Availability of Funds Relating to Implementation of the Open Skies Treaty: The Administration objects to section 1235(b), which would prohibit the expenditure of funds for procurement for the Digital Visual Imaging System to modify the United States sensors and aircraft. These changes would severely impede DOD’s ability to conduct intelligence and counterintelligence operations and negatively affect ongoing counterterrorism and other critical DOD operations. These include, for example, sections 1232 and 921(b). It protects vulnerable populations, eliminates a confusing and costly two-benefit program, and institutes reasonable pharmacy co-pays that will ensure TRICARE remains a generous, yet sustainable, health benefits program. The project would bring total construction costs to $17 billion, when including $5 billion in sunk-costs to date.The bill supports key Administration priorities, including ending the defense sequester, rebuilding our military readiness, and modernizing our force for the future.Development of Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Range Ground-Launched Missile System: The Administration objects to sections 1244 and 1245, which would establish a program of record to develop a road-mobile, ground-launched cruise missile system and would purport to abrogate Article VI of the INF treaty.” The expanded authority would help address capability gaps, professionalization efforts, and defense institution building across the breadth of the Government of Iraq’s (GoI’s) national security institutions.Missile Defense Programs: The Administration objects to section 1686, which would require the Secretary of Defense to ensure that anti-air warfare capabilities are deployed at the Aegis Ashore site in Romania by no later than one year after the date of enactment of this Act, and at the Aegis Ashore site in Poland no later than one year after the declaration of operational status at that site. Current authorities, limited only to repair and renovation of existing Iraqi facilities, severely limit the coalition’s maneuverability and its ability to respond quickly to changing operational conditions. Additionally, the Administration opposes the provision’s direction to transfer the acquisition responsibility of the sensor to the Missile Defense Agency should the Army not issue the strategy in time. In addition, the projected operating costs are between $800 million and $1 billion per year for nearly two decades. Although the Administration is sympathetic to the motivation behind section 524, affording victim’s counsel with open file discovery may have the unintended consequence of impairing the successful prosecution of cases by creating additional opportunities for the defense to challenge the victim’s testimony. The reductions would only be applied to those programs funded in sections 4301, 4401, and 4501, which include military pay and allowances, military health care, readiness training, depot maintenance, base operations support, and facilities sustainment, restoration, and modernization line items. The provision would result in limited or no cost savings and possibly a cost increase, which would be an unacceptable waste of taxpayer dollars. The bill also includes important reforms to Department of Defense (DOD) management and business practices, and the Administration looks forward to working with the Committee to continue finding efficiencies at DOD. These facilities, supply points, and assembly areas will enable the pursuit of ISIS into the Euphrates River Valley and help improve the security of Iraq’s borders. The Department of the Navy’s current workload projections indicate that approximately 2,300 H-2B workers would be required to supplement the Guam or CNMI workforce on military build-up construction projects. The total estimated cost to regenerate 25 C-5A AMP aircraft into flyable condition would exceed $5.In addition, the Administration objects to section 2822, which provides for the land conveyance of the Naval Ship Repair Facility, Guam. The property is not excess to the needs of the Department of the Navy, as Military Sealift Command awarded a contract for ship repair that will require use of this property. This section will prevent the United States from keeping pace with Russian Open Skies aircraft sensor upgrades, fully implementing the Open Skies Treaty, and increasing the value of the treaty to United States national security. These reductions would delay the DOD’s full-spectrum readiness recovery efforts and increase the backlog of maintenance at the services’ depot facilities. This would create two classes of uniformed members: those who reside in privatized housing and receive a higher housing allowance and those who reside within the local community and receive a lower housing allowance.Compensation Reform: The Administration objects to section 601, which would place restrictions on the President’s authority to set an alternative pay adjustment for members of the uniformed services

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The Company provides souvenir merchandising services through its SMI Properties subsidiaries; manufactures and distributes smaller-scale, modified racing cars and parts through its US Legend Cars International subsidiary; and produces and broadcasts syndicated motorsports programming to radio stations nationwide through its Performance Racing Network subsidiary.20 per diluted share as further described below.300.1 million, payable on March 15, 2018 to shareholders of record as of March 1, 2018. Fourth Quarter Comparison Total revenues of $76.28-mile ROVAL – our sport’s first combined superspeedway and infield road course.2 million or $3.12 per diluted share in 2017, and $357,000 pre-tax, $225,000 after-tax or $0. Full year 2017 total revenues were $453.01Impairment of goodwill, pre-tax–0.91)- (2.01 per diluted share in 2016 Impairment charge for goodwill of $1.96 per diluted share in 2016Adjusted non-GAAP net income of $37.91 per diluted share in 2017, and $546,000 or $0.4 million or $2.4 million in 2017 compared to $79. Many areas feature premium hospitality services, and are similar to high end & China DC Motors Suppliers x2018;taverns’ or ‘pubs’, close to our restart zones, with outdoor decks and nearby solar equipment as part of our ‘green initiatives’.77 per diluted share, and an adjusted non-GAAP net loss of $907,000 or $0.02)$0.01 per diluted share in 2016 Accelerated depreciation and removal costs on retired assets aggregating $12.7 million or $2.2 million for the three months and full year ended December 31, 2017.01$3. The following schedule reconciles those non-GAAP financial measures to their most directly comparable information presented using GAAP. Three Months EndedDecember 31:Full Year EndedDecember 31: 2017 2016 2017 2016Net income using GAAP$113,663$271$148,245$39,545Non-recurring benefits of income tax law changes (119,449)- (119,449)(546)Accelerated depreciation on retired assets and costs of removal, pre-tax 7,765-12,362357Impairment of goodwill, pre-tax –1,117-Aggregate income tax effect of non-GAAP adjustments(2,886)- (5,005)(132)Non-GAAP net (loss) income $(907)$271$37,270$39,224Diluted earnings per share using GAAP$2. Bruton Smith, Executive Chairman of Speedway Motorsports stated, “We continue to capitalize on our first class facilities in premium markets. Smith, Chief Executive Officer and President of Speedway Motorsports.91$0.01)Accelerated depreciation on retired assets and costs of removal, pre-tax 0. As of December 31, 2017, the Company has repurchased 4,809,000 shares since adoption of the program in April 2005, and the total number of shares available for future repurchase then authorized was 191,000.28-mile ROVAL combined superspeedway and infield road course – another industry first by SMI.20, excluding non-recurring and other special items. This non-GAAP financial information is not intended to be considered independent of or a substitute for results prepared in accordance with GAAP.01 per diluted share in 2016Net income of $113.77 per diluted share in 2017 compared to $271,000 or $0.The amounts for NASCAR broadcasting revenue and NASCAR event management fees were revised by $3.77$0.03-Aggregate income tax effect of non-GAAP adjustments(0. Our expanding marketing efforts to broaden the use of our first class facilities continue to be reflected in strong revenue streams from track rentals and certain non-motorsports activities. Comparable amounts were $3. Our 2017 GAAP results reflect a non-recurring material income tax benefit # from the federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act enacted in December 2017. “Seven events during our 13 NASCAR Cup race weekends in 2017 were negatively impacted, with our Charlotte Motor Speedway contending with another October hurricane – Nate this past year and Matthew the year before. These components and other factors could significantly impact the amount of the future directly comparable GAAP measures, which may differ significantly from their non-GAAP counterparts. Amounts below are in thousands except per share amounts.5 million or $0. The Company recorded associated non-cash, pre-tax charges for accelerated depreciation and costs of removal in the fourth quarter and full year 2017. We have not reconciled non-GAAP forward-looking earnings per diluted share to its most directly comparable GAAP measure, as permitted by Item 10(e)(1)(i)(B) of Regulation S-K. Also, Charlotte Motor Speedway is hosting NASCAR Monster Energy Cup and Xfinity Series races on its new 2.01 per diluted share in 2016Adjusted non-GAAP net loss of $907,000 or $0. Management uses the non-GAAP information to assess the Company’s operations for the periods presented, analyze performance trends and make decisions regarding future operations because it believes this separate information better reflects ongoing operating results. The Company’s admissions, certain event related revenues and operating costs were negatively impacted by poor weather for an unusually high number of major events surrounding its thirteen NASCAR racing weekends (7 in 2017 and 8 in 2016).15 per share of common stock aggregating $6.” “SMI’s multi-year contracted revenue streams remain substantial, with our largest being the ten-year NASCAR broadcasting agreements through 2024, along with our growing NASCAR ancillary broadcasting rights revenues,” continued Mr. This non-GAAP financial information may not be comparable to similarly titled measures used by other entities and should not be considered as alternatives to net income or loss, or diluted earnings or loss per share, determined in accordance with GAAP.4 million or $2., March 07, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Speedway Motorsports, Inc.6 million, net income was $148. “Most of our NASCAR event sponsorships for 2018, and many for several years beyond, are already sold.02 per diluted share. The revision had no impact on net income or loss, earnings or loss per share, balance sheet data or cash flows.6 million in 2017 compared to $489.61 per diluted share, and adjusted non-GAAP net income was $37. During the full year 2017, the Company repurchased 251,000 shares of its common stock for approximately $5. Dividends and Stock Repurchase ProgramDuring the full year 2017, the Company declared and paid cash dividends of $0. The Board of Directors plans to continue to evaluate cash dividends on a quarterly basis in the future. These and other non-GAAP items are further discussed and reconciled with comparable GAAP amounts below. In connection with preparing its financial statements, the Company determined it should exclude the broadcast rights fees that NASCAR retains for itself (10%) from both broadcasting revenue and related event management fees.96 Non-recurring benefits of income tax law changes (2. Significant 2017 Fourth Quarter Racing Events Charlotte Motor Speedway – NASCAR Bank of America 500 Monster Energy Cup and Drive for the Cure 300 Xfinity Series racing eventsLas Vegas Motor Speedway – NHRA Toyota Nationals racing eventTexas Motor Speedway – NASCAR AAA Texas 500 Monster Energy Cup, O’Reilly Auto Parts 300 Xfinity, and JAG Metals 350 Camping World Truck Series racing events 2018 Earnings GuidanceThe Company estimates full year 2018 total revenues of $450-475 million, net income of $41-49 million, depreciation, amortization and interest expense of $65-70 million, and non-GAAP diluted earnings per share of $1. The comparative presentation of broadcasting revenues and related costs now excludes the portion retained by NASCAR.5 million in 2016 Non-recurring benefits of income tax law changes of $119. Smith.4 million in the three months and full year ended December 31, 2016. Moreover, our long-term strategic initiatives are successfully building financial strength through steady share repurchases, dividend programs, ongoing debt reduction, and restrained capital spending – and which should benefit from lower cash taxes under the recently enacted federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.3 million or $0.01$0.01 per diluted share in 2016 Full Year Comparison Total revenues of $453.2 million and $23. Inclement weather, potential higher fuel, health-care and food costs and continuing underemployment could significantly impact our future results.” O.07)-(0. And in September 2018, we are proudly conducting NASCAR Monster Energy Cup and Xfinity Series racing events on Charlotte Motor Speedway’s new 2.00-1. However, excluding those results, SMI’s 2017 full year adjusted non-GAAP net income increased over 2016. These non-GAAP results were within management’s expectations. Las Vegas Motor Speedway is hosting new NASCAR Monster Energy Cup, Xfinity and Camping World Truck Series races in September 2018, and is expanding ‘The Strip at Las Vegas Motor Speedway’ into a distinctive, lighted exciting ‘four lane’ racing configuration. To modernize our facilities for fan enhancements and alternative marketing purposes, the Company is repurposing select seating and other areas at our Atlanta, Charlotte, Kentucky, Las Vegas and New Hampshire Motor Speedways. Recent efforts include expanded ‘tavern or pub-like’ social gathering areas, premium food and beverage choices, the latest in digital and mobile phone applications, and enhanced use of our three huge high-definition video boards at Bristol, Charlotte and Texas Motor Speedways.91 per diluted share. Such reconciliations would require unreasonable efforts to estimate and quantify various necessary GAAP components largely because, as indicated by our relatively wide range of earnings guidance, forecasting or predicting our future operating results is subject to many factors out of our control or not readily predictable.4 million pre-tax, $7.2 million or $3.95 per diluted share in 2016 Non-GAAP Financial Information and ReconciliationNet income or loss, and diluted earnings or loss per share, as adjusted and set forth below are non-GAAP (other than generally accepted accounting principles) financial measures presented as supplemental disclosures to their individual corresponding GAAP basis amounts.7 million. The Company’s 2017 full year non-GAAP results are not directly comparable to last year primarily because of “the Battle at Bristol” football game and large preceding concert held in the third quarter 2016.95 The Company’s fourth quarter and full year 2017 GAAP results reflect a non-recurring material income tax benefit from the federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act enacted in December 2017.91 per diluted share in 2017 Accelerated depreciation and removal costs on retired assets aggregating $7. We believe many fans will find such racing unique and exciting, providing increased racing competition and desirable sightlines, and possibly setting the stage for similarly configured racing at other motorsport facilities. Along with new formats for awarding championship points, and other ongoing NASCAR enhancements to on-track competition, these are some of the most exciting and promising changes in recent years. We are striving more than ever to provide our long-time loyal and next generation race fans with superior, enjoyable entertainment experiences that cannot be duplicated at home or other venues.3 million or $0.02 per diluted share in 2017 compared to adjusted non-GAAP net income of $271,000 or $0. Our sport is introducing new and exciting broadcasters, along with young, appealing race car drivers with great potential ‘star-power’.02 per diluted share in 2017Net income of $148.” Mr. .12)(0.7 million in 2016 Non-recurring benefits of income tax law changes of $119. NASCAR’s introduction of the exciting stage-based race format for all three of NASCAR’s national series has been extremely well received by fans and drivers.8 million pre-tax, $4. SMI also provided full year 2018 non-GAAP earnings guidance of $1.91)(0.2 million and $22.” Speedway Motorsports is a leading marketer and promoter of motorsports entertainment in the United States.7 million or $2.00 to $1.19-0.8 million after-tax or $0. The Company’s estimated total capital expenditures in 2018 are $20-30 million. Management believes many revenue categories continue to be negatively impacted by changing demographics, evolving media content consumption, as well as the lingering effects of uncertain consumer and corporate spending, and underemployment in certain demographic groups.19 per diluted share in 2017 compared to $357,000 pre-tax, $225,000 after-tax or $0. Those 2016 football weekend results are not reflected as non-GAAP adjustments in the accompanying financial results. Smith continued, “SMI, NASCAR, the broadcasters, along with industry stakeholders, remain more focused than ever on capturing the next generation of new race fans.91 per diluted share in 2017 compared to $39.9 million after-tax or $0. In February 2018, the number of authorized shares for repurchase was increased by 1,000,000 for a plan aggregate now of up to 6,000,000 shares. On February 12, 2018, the Company’s Board of Directors declared a quarterly cash dividend of $0. Our business model, and such long-term strategic actions, is providing SMI with many opportunities for increasing long-term profitability. (SMI) (NYSE:TRK) today reported fourth quarter 2017 total revenues of $76. For 2018, we are excited about offering our fans and corporate customers new unique, modern fan-zone entertainment areas at several of our speedways. Such factors include weather conditions surrounding our events, the seasonal popularity or success of NASCAR racing in general, the impact of geopolitical factors on travel plans and spending sentiment, and fluctuating costs of food, gas, health-care and other basic necessities, any or all of which can significantly impact our future results.61 per diluted share in 2017 compared to $39.2 million or $0.15 per share of common stock each quarter for a combined aggregate of $24.4 million, net income of $113. The range of earnings guidance reflects the lingering effects of uncertain economic conditions, among other factors. The Company, through its subsidiaries, owns and operates the following premier facilities: Atlanta Motor Speedway, Bristol Motor Speedway, Charlotte Motor Speedway, Kentucky Speedway, Las Vegas Motor Speedway, New Hampshire Motor Speedway, Sonoma Raceway and Texas Motor Speedway.0 million under its stock repurchase program. SMI continues to significantly invest in modern, premium amenities and technology. We are extremely excited about showcasing them in 2018, and believe our fans will be as well. Management believes such non-GAAP information is useful and meaningful to investors and helps in understanding, using and comparing the Company’s operating results.1 million pre-tax, $698,000 after-tax or $0.00)Non-GAAP diluted (loss) earnings per share$(0.61$0. We all realize that most sports and sporting venues, including our own, face ongoing challenges of changing demographics and media content consumption.C. Individual quarterly per share amounts may not be additive due to rounding. The Company is attempting to schedule similar events in the future. Comments “SMI’s full year 2017 non-GAAP results were within our expectations, but we had poor weather again at an unusually high number of our events,” stated Marcus G.